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An Alphabet for Gourmets - M.F.K. Fisher

Brand: Daunt Books   |   Status: Còn hàng

"She is not just a great food writer. She is a great writer, full stop." - Rachel Cooke, Observer

M.F.K. Fisher plays with the fine arts of writing and eating by building this delightful book on the alphabet. "The possibilities for bettering the somewhat dingy patterns of life on earth by a new interest in how best to stay our human hunger are so infinite that, to my mind at least, some such tyrannical limitations as an ABC will impose are almost requisite. The alphabet is also controversial, which in itself is good." Because her magic with language is so inspired and intertwined with her unique culinary expertise, the notion proves to be the perfect recipe for teaching some basic steps to satisfying one's appetite. Her anecdotal lessons -- how to dine Alone pleasantly; how to relax and enjoy a meal prepared by a Bachelor; and how a complete lack of Caution is perhaps one of the sure signs of a gourmet -- make the ABCs not only effortless but joyous. Meals of celebration and sadness, meals for the ostentatious and the monastic, meals of the innocent and the experienced-meals for all are included.