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Happiful: 100 Uplifting Illustrations for Your Journey to Joy - Jana Rushforth

Brand: Familius   |   Status: Còn hàng

"Sometimes we need a bit of a push through out the day and this is it. Very nice and short. Fits in my bag with no issue and I sometimes read this to my son as well. Very great." - Amazon reviewer

Jana Rushforth is an illustrator and writer based in South Australia. When she became a new mama, Jana decided she wanted to share her uplifting and joyful illustrations with the world by creating @wordfindersclub on Instagram. Most days you'll find Jana drawing and drinking tea in her art deco cottage, where she lives with her husband, son and growing family of houseplants.

Take a journey with Jana Rushforth. Hike through the lakes and mountains of the mind to discover your inner strength and your capacity for growth. This chunky mini book is the perfect gift for anyone on a quest for joy.