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A Book of Noises - Caspar Henderson

Brand: Granta Books   |   Status: Còn hàng

"...There is a vast quantity of information, salted with a vast number of a propos quotes, which are used skillfully enough that they are surprisingly not annoying, but, rather, evidence of the author's vast knowledge and stunning amount of preparatory reading. Gosh this sounds stuffy, but the book really is not! It's interesting, full of all kinds of stuff I didn't know and didn't even know that I should know. Each page is a delight..." - Amazon reviewer

A wide-ranging exploration of the sounds that shape our world in invisible yet significant ways.

The crackling of a campfire. The scratch, hiss, and pop of a vinyl record. The first glug of wine as it is poured from a bottle. These are just a few of writer Caspar Henderson’s favorite sounds. In A Book of Noises , Henderson invites readers to use their ears a little better—to tune in to the world in all its surprising noisiness.

Gathering sounds from around the natural and human world, the forty-eight essays comprising A Book of Noises are a celebration of all things “auraculous.” Henderson calls on his characteristic curiosity to explore sounds related to humans (anthropophony), other life (biophony), the planet (geophony), and space (cosmophony). Henderson finds the beauty in everyday sounds, like the ringing of a bell, the buzz of a bee, or the “earworm” songs that get stuck in our heads. A Book of Noises also explores the marvelous, miraculous sounds we may never get the chance to hear, like the deep boom of a volcano or the quiet, rustling sound of the Northern Lights.

A Book of Noises will teach readers to really listen to the sounds of the world around them, to broaden and deepen their appreciation of the humans, animals, rocks, and trees simultaneously broadcasting across the whole spectrum of sentience.