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Super Simple Physics: The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide

Brand: DK Children   |   Status: Còn hàng

"Condense, well-organized and easy to understand
It was fascinating to read in part to refresh what I have learned years before, but also to be shocked with data that I didn’t know at all or that I had it wrong. It was a great treat to read and learn, I think this is was a must-read before I can continue with more advance books on Physics, specially quantum physics and astrophysics as I had planned to read next." - Goodreads reviewer

Packed with all the core curriculum topics, this physics book for kids 12+ is the perfect support for home and school learning.

Breaking down the information into easy, manageable chunks, Super Simple Physics covers everything from atoms to astronomy and forces to flotation. Each topic is fully illustrated, to support the information, make the facts crystal clear, and bring the science to life. For key ideas, a 'How it works' panel explains the theory with the help of bright, simple graphics. And for revision, a handy 'Key facts' box provides a simple summary you can check back on later.

With clear, concise coverage of all the core physics topics, Super Simple Physics is the perfect accessible guide to science for children, will support classwork, and make studying for exams the easiest it's ever been.