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The Universe Explained with a Cookie - Geoffrey Engelstein

Brand: Odd Dot   |   Status: Còn hàng

"This unique manuscript removes any preconceived notions about all sciences commonly held. Geoff Engelstein engages his readers with wit and so much information about any area of science you may have been reluctant to learn about. His sense of humor and immense knowledge draws the lucky reader into worlds of satisfying information without the calories..." - Amazon rewiewer

Did you know that the number of atoms in a cookie is about the same number of stars in the universe?
Geoff Engelstein tackles the big questions of the universe and how it works using the sweet and simple chocolate cookie as guide. By exploring what goes into the cookie―the ingredients and the steps―we learn about how everything works, from the tiny world of subatomic particles to galactic clusters.

Topics include:
The Big Bang Explained with Chocolate Chips
Quantum Mechanics Explained with Milk and Cookies
Chaos Explained with Vanilla
And more!

Filled with fascinating facts and laugh-out-loud moments, it's a richly visual and deeply fascinating scientific exploration of the world. And cookies.